I'm so excited to kick off our blog with this post! With my husband in medical school, a full-time job, two young children, and another on the way, I wasn't able to finish our son and daughter's shared bedroom until this past weekend! It's been so much fun to work on. Katelyn (4) wanted a princess room, but we couldn't go all pink and princess with her brother, Jack (2), moving into her room, so we divided the room with a bookcase and paint color, and embraced a subtle princess and superhero room.
It's been *almost* done for months, but at this point, I'd say it's 95% done. I'd still like to paint the closet (it's currently taupe, and I'd love for it to be white), and I might pick up a few more throw pillows for the bed (what kid doesn't want extra pillows for a sibling pillow fight after mom and dad leave the room?), but for now, I'm going to call it done and move onto the nursery. And the nursery will probably be a toddler room by the time I get to it since our little one, Eliza, is already 3 months old!
I'll add all the details re: where you can find the furniture, bedding, and accessories when I have a chance. I hope you enjoy the room and find some inspiration for your own girl/boy shared bedroom!
Thanks for visiting!